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Meet Jonathan How, Self-Confidence Advocate

Knowing yourself and your ‘worth’

is a challenge. Helping people find their own ‘worth’ is on a whole other level. Johnathan How does not like scary movies. He listens to Mat Kearney, especially his earlier releases. He is a self-made portrait photographer. Through his organization, Made by Ten, he helps people build their self-confidence through photography.

Rhey: Why is your photography focused on women?

Jonathan: At first, it was mainly women who would come to me when I first started out. Then I realized, that I was able to help women feel more self-confident – especially in front of the camera. This is why I have continued to support them through my photography.

Rhey: When were you first paid as a photographer?

Jonathan: It was when I was hired to take a picture of chicken.

Rhey: In your blog, you mention about having your own place to do your photography. How is that goal going?

Jonathan: I was hoping to have my own home studio. But, the more I do it the more I realize that I don’t need it. I was just thinking that if I had one, clients may feel more comfortable in that kind of space.

Rhey: What type of photography has been your most challenging to date?

Jonathan: Probably wedding shoots. I want to make sure I capture everything. I don’t want to miss all the special moments as I only get one shot.

Rhey: What do you do outside of MadebyTen?

Jonathan: I am spending time with my wife and working alongside her. 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

Rhey: What is an example of how you complimented a woman in your life?

Jonathan: I have tried to tell my wife I want to photograph her.

Rhey: How can you tell that someone is confident?

Jonathan: You can see it. When I am doing a photoshoot, you can see when a person is believing themselves. At first everyone is nervous. You can see it in their eyes. The first 10 minutes will be garbage. Then we get to a moment where they start see that I see that they are getting it. It’s like a click.

Rhey: What advice would you give to other people trying to instill confidence in people they are not familiar with?

Jonathan: Personally, when I see qualities that I find attractive in another person, whether it is in a guy or a girl, I will bring that up in passing conversation. If you compliment people directly, they tend to get defensive. If done indirectly, it is something that they can take in.

Rhey: What advice would you give to someone who has low self-confidence?

Jonathan: Be grateful for what you do have in the moment and work towards what you define as happiness.




Note: 1. Jonathan How is currently working in Milton, Ontario. (Canada)                                                                                                   

2. Discovered on Shapr.


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